Friday, November 05, 2004

Awkward Compliments.

I get on the bus this morning, on the way to work, and there's this young guy talking loudly on his cell-phone about how he's probably going to jail soon. He keeps staring at me, and I'm starting to feel a bit strange. Finally, he gets up to get off the bus. I can tell that he's going to say something to me, and I'm prepared for the worst. Did he make a suggestive comment? Did he insult me? No. He says "You have a nice face", and gets off the bus....Interesting.

So then I get to work, and someone calls me "minxy". They said it in the kind of tone where I couldn't tell if they were saying it in a negative or a positive way, which leaves me with a creepy "neutral" feeling. What does "minxy" mean, anyway? I'm pretty sure it's not a good thing, but it seemed to be delivered to me as a compliment. So strange.

...Still having dreams that my teeth are falling out. I've been reading up on this, and can't get a definitive answer. Maybe it means that I'm just concerned about my dental hygiene (which is true!). My dentist says that I'm one of his best patients, and that I have "immaculate dental hygiene". Maybe I need to stop brushing my teeth so much, and go out and get a life.

Some bands I've been listening to lately:

-The High Water Marks
-Iron & Wine
-Fierey Furnaces
-The Thrills (my fav at the moment)
-Arto Lindsay
-Rilo Kiley
-Kings of Convenience
-The Postal Service
-State Shirt

After months and months of hard work, my LaunchCast station is pretty much perfect. Originally, it was very complacent, and would only play songs that I forced it to....Now, it's gotten to the point where it keeps playing me new songs that I haven't requested, and the songs are so great that I keep shaking my head and going "Bravo, LaunchCast, Bravo". If my LaunchCast was a person, it would be the guy that has a million crates of records in his basement that you are high-fiving non-stop for giving you awesome music suggestions.
Make your own at .


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