1. Put hand on screen.
2. Pretend that I'm not a work, and I'm putting my hand on the screen, too.
3. Yell out: "Long Distance High Five!!!"
4. Bask in the good times.

Miss you guys a ton.
Amy, Paul, and I at HiFi (the following weekend).
Allison looks terrified. I look unsure. Paul looks pretty jazzed to be in between two hot gals.
P.S. Please do not buy Nickleback's new CD...It only encourages them to make more. Their music hurts my soul.
Selina and I after a night of extreme dancing.
Cheryl and I ripping it up at HiFi.
I don't know what I'm looking at, but I'm awfully happy.
So, um, Allison took this photo. That's my stomach, and her finger. Allison should become my photo-sidekick.
Miami Vice up in the joint. For real...These guys were a breath of fresh air.
More tomorrow (with tons from Sir Whitehouse's visit).