Friday, November 25, 2005

Join the revolution!!!

Okay. It's time for me to get serious for a minute. I have been looking for some meaning in my existence for a little while, and I think, after an exhausting search, that I have found the new movement-in-the-making that will dictate my life....A little something called The New Sincerity. I'll let Alex Blagg let Jesse Thorn explain.

Irony is not dead...Just a bit tired. It's time to throw some genuine sincerity in the mix to keep things fresh.

Anyway, Alex Blagg is holding Maximum Fun Fridays (which sometimes turn into Maximum Fun Mondays, because deadlines are sooo not New Sincerity).
Here are the first couple of excerpts:



I'm living a maximum fun lifestyle from now on.

If you think your life is missing something, maybe it's time to join the movement and be more awesome!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool stuff