Happy birthday, Crystal!

Ultra-mega-hot Amy and Allison.

Remember that beam of light that kept hitting on me last weekend? He's back, and he brought a friend. Unfortunately, I was too busy with Allison to notice (or maybe, once again, the camera strap got in the way).

We love Amy!

Apparently Allison and I joined a gang at some point in the evening. I don't remember this happening.

Some dude put his coat behind me, and was like "can you guard my coat?". I was like "yeah, I guess so", then I made this face so he thought I was serious. I was not.
p.s. Fishbowls......Hell yeah.

Here's a game for you. In this picture are my feet, Amy's feet, and Allison's feet. Which feet belong to which girl? I'll give you a hint... I'm super down with silver these days.

This is the beginning of the night, I think. Allison and I got serious.....Serious about Fishbowls.

For the record, notice the impeccable cleanliness of the inside of my nose.

I don't really remember this one, but apparently it was fun.
p.s. ask me to tell you about how my friends and I became the world's biggest advocates of hobo poetry later.
I cant wait too see you "party Animal!"
When are you down this way?
I want to PLAY!!! how much longer, we'll party it up too!!!!
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