Yesterday, I was violently ill (and this time, it wasn't due to my alcohol consumption). I was one of the last people in my entire family to end up with some sort of stomach bug, and it was not very pleasant. I am feeling a bit better today, and plan on being in top shape by the weekend, but it's pretty safe to say that I took it easy yesterday, caught up on a little TV, and puked my guts out.
I really don't watch enough TV on a day-to-day basis. I usually watch some cartoons at night, and that's about it. Sometimes, all it takes is a few tablets of
gravol to force me to watch an entire day of TV. Let me tell you, beyond the whole 'being sick' part, it was actually a pretty good day. Here's some of the highlights of the day, TV-wise:
1. Have you seen this show called
Rap School? Ice-T decides to go to this prep-school, where the kids all look like Conan O'Brien, and teach them how to rap. I don't really understand why he decided to do this, but I think I really, really like this show. When the one of the little
Conans got on the decks, and totally fucked everything up, but then this other Conan with a speech impediment gets a turn, and scratched like a fucking pro, and Ice-T was all proud of him... Man, what a good TV moment.
2. MTV Cribs is always mildly entertaining, but the best episode ever was on last night. They went to Tommy
Chong's house, and his wife was showing the cameras around, and every ten seconds, Tommy would cut off his wife to show the viewing audience another pipe from his collection. The wife would be in the bathroom, showing everyone their fancy toilets, and Tommy would bust into her conversation, and be all like "Let me just show them another pipe. I got this one in Mexico. It looks like a cross, but you can also smoke out of it", and then they'd go to look at their cats in the bedroom, and Tommy would bring out another pipe shaped like Jesus. Then Tommy's wife told this story about how their house got raided by police once, and they had a whole bunch of
paraphernalia confiscated, but
coincidentally, their housekeeper had taken some 'brownies' that they had in their freezer for a ride in her car on the day the cops came, so they still had them in their freezer, ready for consumption. I bet the Cribs crew had a great time at Tommy
Chong's house after they turned off the camera.
The episode concluded with a tour of Brian
Vollmer's (the lead singer of
Helix) house. He was pretty awesome, because he kept doing a bunch of heavy-metal kicks and twirls around his house, and his wife kept her perfume in the fridge!
*Fun fact! When I was a little kid, my mom's childhood best friend married Paul Hackman (R.I.P.), guitarist for Helix, and I got to go to their wedding. I think that means I'm part of Canadian metal history or something.*3. There was this episode of
Made on MTV where there's this weird kid that wanted to become homecoming king. His 'coach' made him go on a bunch of dates, and kept blowing an
airhorn at him when things went wrong. One of the creepiest parts was how he kept smelling the girls' hair when he was on the blind dates with them. By the end, after a makeover in New York, and a bunch more
airhorn-dates, he got super smooth and asked one of the coolest girls to the dance. Then, he actually won homecoming king. I was pretty happy for him, until the end, when he went to hug his date goodbye, and he took a very obvious whiff of her hair. Dude, I thought you outgrew that.
Point is, being home sick wasn't that bad, but I think I really would like to be healthy for a while (and watch some more TV).
~sarah p.