Thursday, December 14, 2006

T-Minus 6 Days....

Some people count down the days until Christmas, some people count down the days until New Year's... Me, I count down the days until I don't have to listen to the Singing Santa anymore. They parked him directly outside of my office door, and he rocks the shit out of the same four songs every two hours. Ask me how I feel about that.... Wait, don't. I may get violent.

He's also coming to see us on Monday for an eye exam, so I get to pretend that I don't want to strangle him while he sits in my office for half an hour, breathing like an athsmatic bull and making off-color remarks. Awesome.

Yes, it's cute to see the kids dance around him, but what ever happened to the quiet type of mall Santa that hands out candy canes, sips rum secretly, and bangs the lady-elves in the cardboard Santa castle? I liked that kind a lot better.

~sarah p.

1 comment:

RB said...

Don't worry, the singing drives me nuts too. They need to cut it out.