Mariah Carey, laid out on the operating table, having two small children surgically removed from her abdomen, while Nick Cannon sits patiently with his finger on the play button, ready to cue up a 'Live at Madison Square Garden' version of 'Fantasy' for the twins' arrival. Mariah's request. She also took over an entire wing of a hospital while in labor. Not that she's high-maintenance or anything.
The true winner in this situation, however, was probably ODB, who, shining down from rapper heaven (or, more likely, looking up from rapper hell), was not only able to witness the debut of his dear friend's first two babies, but also got a really decent view of Mariah's bare ladybits for a prolonged period of time.
Baby baby come on baby come on baby come onnnnn.
~sarah p.
1 comment:
if there's a heaven for rappers, ODB is mos definitely up in there.
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