The reckless consumption of lobster, the time spent with my delightful nephews, and the long, magically-scented baths where I listened to 'Cruel Summer' over and over and over until I wrinkled into a lazy little prune... I could go on this way forever.
Tomorrow I am back at work, and it is going to be a rough day.
Happy 2012.
~sarah p.
p.s. As a child, I came across a mix of Larry Levan's in a box in a dusty record store, and my entire view on music changed. The above track was one of the most unique I had ever come across, and the songs on the album looped into one another in beautiful ways I had never heard. I fell in love with nasty bass lines, disco jumpsuits, and dudes with Jheri Curls at the age of nine, and never I looked back.

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