Friday, June 08, 2012

Summer Jam 2012

Last long weekend, I had a few tequila shots at my parents' house, almost burnt down the entire backyard, and later that evening, I almost officially called this year's official summer jam recklessly.
I seldom do things I regret while under under the influence anymore, so I don't know why I thought I could take on the tasks of (a) lighting a small, well controlled bonfire in the backyard, and (b) picking out an incredible summer track.

I was actually having a tough time deciding on the perfect song, mostly due to the fact that I was also controlling a sizeable yard fire. I had a bunch of teenage rappers in mind, but nothing stuck. I decided to sleep on it for a night.
When I woke the next morning, things were looking really bleak. Then, I remembered: 100% of the songs I choose every single year are 90's R&B or rap, and 75% of those songs are SWV Remixes. Simple.
The first time I heard this song, I was in grade ten. I showed up to a party I wasn't invited to (by myself), watched everyone around me pass out on the floor from chugging Jungle Juice, and sat around listening to mix CDs alone before walking home in the dark. I loved, and thus stole, this particular mix from the party- I have no idea who made it, or whom it belonged to. I carried it home in my coat, and it's still in my basement somewhere.

Happy Summer, guys!

~sarah p. 

p.s. Also, for the record, I ended up putting out the fire before it got too intense. I got this plastic watering can, started pouring it on top of the flames, until the top fell off and into the fire. I went to get the hose, and when the fire was finally out, I fished the spout of the watering can out of the fire without a scratch or burn on it. Now, I'm not one to usually talk about gardening equipment with such gusto, but reaaaaally. Amazing.

p.p.s. No disrespect to those teenage rappers and their loved ones, but you guys are really lucky I decided to sleep on it for a night.

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