Sunday, April 06, 2014

Ten Guys That Are Looking Forward To Spring More Than You.

1. Creepy bird-watching guy.

2. Canadian tank top all-year-round guy (coincidentally, this same guy is usually a toque all-year-round guy as well).

3. Livin' outside guy.

4. Hippie guy that thinks that shoes are "foot prisons".

5. Winter jacket without a shirt on underneath guy.

6. Rides a bike without any regard for the weather guy (whether he admits it or not).

7. Guy that likes to get tanked by the bonfire out back guy (aka- my stepdad).

8. Walks his cat on a leash every day guy (who is honestly probably just stoked to be leaving his house anyway).

9. Guy that walks around my neighborhood with his dick hanging out of his pants. 

10. Windows-open beat-up Camaro guy that seems to listen to nothing but heavy guitar solos.

 ~sarah p.

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