I'm approaching my 23rd birthday (in January). I'm at the point in my life where I'm realizing that there is not much that I will ever know for sure....Nothing in the world is black and white. However, there are a couple of things that I've finally figured out, so I thought I'd post them (and continue to post as I think of them).
*While I was in high school, someone said to me "You'll only ever have a few true friends in your lifetime...All of the rest will eventually become acquaintances." I thought that they were crazy, as I had a ton of friends, and was pretty sure that they were all true friends. At the time, they
were friends. However, most of us gradually drifted apart (except, of course, Allison and I, who have remained the best of pals), and many people that I thought would always be in my life are no longer around. Keep this in mind: as your life changes, so will your friends....Accept the changes as a part of life.
*No matter how awesome you are, keep your ego in check. The coolest kids are the ones that don't know that they are cool. There is, however, one exception to this rule...When you are at a club, you should try to act as confident as you possibly can. Otherwise, a bunch of really gross guys will try to pick you up, as they'll assume that you're vulnerable. This is not fun.
*Electronics are not as fragile as you'd think, so you should carry your camera everywhere (even if you think it will be bad for the camera...Trust me on this one), and always keep your I-pod on you (you'll never know when you'll desperately want to hear a certain song....You don't want to have to wait).
*Keep a journal with you at all times, and write down everything. Seriously, write down every thought you have....Let this be the one place that you never, ever censor yourself. Go back and read through it once a week, you'll learn a ton about who you really are. Believe me, you'll surprise yourself.
*What seems important now may not seem important later in life. Your priorities will change as you grow...Make sure you allow them to.
*It sounds stupid to say, but don't take your intuition lightly, or you will end up in a spot that you don't want to be in.
Okay, I guess my little advice session has come to a close....Must go carve a pumpkin that will go down in history as the hottest pumpkin ever (will post pictures tomorrow).