Wednesday, October 27, 2004

A run-in with karma.

Yesterday, I decided to take the afternoon off of work. I really had no reason, I just went in on Monday morning and told them that I needed to take Tuesday afternoon off. Surprisingly, nobody asked any questions. That afternoon, I took my dog for a walk, had a bath, and generally enjoyed the daylight that I rarely see on weekdays....Nothing too special. It was great to be away from work, but I really shouldn't have taken the time off.

You may be asking yourself: "Why would you feel bad about taking an afternoon off?"

Well, if someone at my work needs a problem fixed, or has a task that they'd rather not do, they come to one of two people: Wenda or I. Wenda is a sweet girl who came over from China last February. She is a very hard worker, and people take advantage of it. Most of the people in the office leave early every day (some of them at about 1PM, an hour after lunch) , and leave Wenda and I with a ton of work.

My intent was to have everyone do their own work for a day, which hasn't happened since I began to work there....However, deep in my heart, I knew that they wouldn't. I knew that they would probably leave Wenda with a ton of not-so-fun jobs. I was right, and feel horrible.

Now, I am a firm believer in karma...What goes around, comes around. I have experienced this countless times, and in the end, I've always gotten what I've deserved.
Karma paid me a little visit today.

The morning began at a pretty steady pace....I was busy, but could handle the work that was given to me. Then, it hit. I'd never had so many things to do, and no matter what I did, the jobs just kept piling up! I kept going into panic mode, and kept making a ton of stupid mistakes, so I had to re-do a whole bunch of projects. I ended up staying an extra hour and a half (meaning I worked an 11-hour day), but still didn't complete everything, and will have to go in early tomorrow. I felt so bad, as I wanted to let Wenda go home early today, but there was too much to do, and she ended up staying just as late as I did.

It wasn't a fun day, but my punishment was fair. Next time I'll consider Wenda before I take time off of work....Wenda needs to take vacation days at the same time as I do...Problem solved.

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