Friday, December 24, 2004


Mmmkay. So, last night I got an invite to open a gmail account. Gmail is this email server that is *get this* invite only.....It's like the champagne room of email accounts. Anyway, Emily Eddy, who runs one of the greatest sites in the universe,, gave me an invite.
Having a gmail account is kind of like that time when you were a little kid and you decided to go into your mom's purse when she wasn't looking. In the end, nobody would actually care if you looked in her purse, and it really wasn't that fantastic, but there was a certain thrill in being somewhere that you probably shouldn't be. People like me don't normally have such top-notch email accounts (we prefer to use hotmail, thank you very much).

Anyway, if you want my awesome new gmail address, then just ask on the comment forum, and I'll send it to you.

Thanks, Emily, for a world-class email account. You are a great gal.

Night, and have a good holiday.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Sarah! Hope you have a great holiday! :)


~sarah p. said...

Thanks Nicole. Have a great holiday as well. Miss you sooooo much. The countdown to camp has begun, my friend.
~sarah p.

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize you didn't have one. I could've hooked you up a while ago. My bad.
