Thursday, December 30, 2004

A little bit of razz-ma-tazz. (alternate, less-flamboyant title: The Page looks Dull Without Photos).

Alf and I were having a serious conversation. He broke a window in my house, and when I told him that I was very disappointed in him, he said that I wasn't "cool" anymore.


Anonymous said...

I have a few orders of buisness to accomplish here:
1) Tell Alf he is not invited to my birthday party unless he acknowledges your "coolness"
2) Fun Pics! I hope you never kill me for a good photo op!
3)Good story of the party, although I heard it in person before, it was funn (with a double n!) to hear it again, and I agree the timeline adds a certain something to it!
4) I am getting SAUCED tonight.....just thought you might want to know!

~sarah p. said...

Nicole, you are the ultimate sauce-monster, and I thank you for that.