Another dancetacular night at HiFi...This is Shauna. Nights out with Shauna are always full of excitement, and I'm always glad to have her stick up for me when people are, umm, not so nice. On the way home, Allison and I got pizza, then we got chicken shwarma. Pretty sure I ate too much, and had way too much fun. Allison introduced me to amaretto sours, and I drank them the whole night. Allison knows her cocktails.
When I got home there was an awesome surprise in my room!
Dude, Ron doesn't drink but a few times a year. But if he has a drink, chances are..it'll be an amaretto sour.
Very good and you can drink like 30 and not get drunk. Not that I've ever had 30 in my entire life. Just saying...
Actually, I can't pack 'em away. But it really depends on who makes them. I know some places make it really bad, other places put too much booze in there, which is a bad idea...because it has to be a perfect mix.
I like them with Mountain Dew, rather than some other soda, too.
i think there was a surprise in your toilet too. way to much to drink but you make it better
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