Worst way to get tickets: Driving around like Tokyo Drift in Chinatown (almost died, you guys)
Best way to get tickets: Arcade
Worst arcade game: spinny coin thing that doesn't even give tickets
Best arcade game: the one that was half-broken, and gave us lots of tickets
Worst prize we could have gotten at the arcade: Bootleg stuffed animals
Best prize we could have gotten at the arcade: Bootleg stuffed animals (don't really have a choice)
Worst novelty candy: candy ice cream cone filled with styrofoam (swear to god)/when you put your chicken bones in with your sour candy, and your chicken bones get all sour (tie)
Best novelty candy: Sour Fundip/massive package of gummi strands from Germany (tie)
Worst part of The Grudge 2 : Everything/ Spending more money going to the movies than we would spend to go out and get crunk (the usual Friday plans)
Best part of The Grudge 2: Running commentary through the whole movie (ours)
Tonight, we're going to do something a little more adult, and head on over to The Distillery for the Birdapes show, followed by some dancing at Amsterdam Rhino. Should be a good time (probably).
~sarah p.
Driving down a dark country road home after a movie like that... Priceless!
Last I checked they didn't have a Tokyo Drift ride at Universal Studios so I just thought I'd give a preview of my version..... Minus all the safety equipment and consent to kill you.....
Love You!
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