Wednesday, November 22, 2006

25 Things (#s 25-20)

I love my job, but they pay me next-to-nothing. I love the people that surround me, but my personal-life is in shambles. It's become painfully obvious to me that I have some changes that need to be made. Baby-steps, as they say....

My 25th birthday is a month-and-a-half away, and I have been doing a lot of thinking. I have seen so much and experienced some amazing things, but there are also so many things that I always meant to do, but didn't get around to it. I'm a thinker... I spend soooo much time thinking every day, and it's time I started actually using some of the thoughts that float around inside of my head.
I've decided to make a list of 25 things that I need to do by January 14th. I'll make a list of five things per week for the next five weeks. The goals don't necessarily have to be reached within the week, but all 25 goals much be achieved by my 25th birthday.

To begin, here are my five goals for this week:

25. Learn how to properly cut up a whole chicken.
One time I bought a whole chicken and tried to cut it up, and by the time I was through with it, it looked like someone had torn into it with a chainsaw. Really, I pretty much gave up on ever cutting up a whole chicken ever again. If you've ever seen me, it's quite obvious that I like good food, and I enjoy cooking, so I should probably know one of the most basic cooking skills ever by now.

24. Start up a new project.
I'll admit it, I went to art-school. I used to love taking photos and framing and doing cello-tracings. Then, one day, it just stopped. For years, people have been asking when I would be starting up a new project. To be honest, I haven't had the inspiration... I was waiting until I got the most awesome idea ever. Well yesterday, out of nowhere, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm not going to say much, but it involves sewing (one of my least favorite things) and hip hop (one of my most favorite things). Be ready, I think it actually might be kind-of cool.
23. Stay in for an entire weekend.
You know, sometimes I wonder why I'm poor. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I go out two, three, four times a week. The weekday nights aren't so rough on the wallet, as I can't get too sauced anyway, but the weekends drain my bank account like nobody's business. The only time I ever stay in on weekends is when I am too sick to leave the house, and since I got my flu-shot this year, I'm not expecting that to happen very soon. One weekend, before I'm 25, I will not go out to the bars for two full days, and three full nights.
22. Drive a car down the block.
I have an irrational fear of driving. I'm pretty sure that if I got my license, I would end up unintentionally killing someone (or several people). I've only driven three times in my life... The last time was when I was 17, I was camping in Kamloops, and I drove a VW bus around the block a few times at 3AM when I was drunk (I know, I know). I don't think I'll end up endangering the roads by getting my license just yet, but I would like to drive down the block. At 3AM. Sober this time.

21. Make some matzo ball soup.
Growing up in Calgary in an athiest family, I was never exposed to the finer points of Jewish cuisine. However, a good amount of time spent in the five boroughs made me realize that matzo ball soup is totally one of my favorite things. Since I haven't run across a place that has a decent kosher menu in Calgary, I think I need to learn how to make it myself. I can kill two birds with one stone, as I'll need a chicken to make the stock. The tough part is going to be finding the matzo flour.

20. Go out and drink nothing but dark liquor all night.
I like dark rums and whiskies, I really do, and it's common for me to start out my night with a whiskey sour or bourbon on the rocks. However, once I get out anywhere, I start to wuss out. Soon enough, I've got a gin and soda in my hand. As much as it's going to hurt me the next day, I am going to go out and drink dark-colored booze all night. You'd think I would have done this by now, and I've certainly thown my share of whiskey into the shit-mix, but a full night? That's yet to come.

If you have any suggestions on goals for future weeks, or if you'd like to help me achieve anything, let me know. I may need some help along the way.

I'm trying to make things better. Promise.

Thanks. You guys are the best.

~sarah p.


Anonymous said...

Matzo flour can be found at superstore in the ethnic food section.

Anonymous said...

Since I plan on staying in this weekend if you don't drink dark liquor this weekend I will join you next weekend for the goal challange!!

Anonymous said...

best wishes on your endeavors my friend! :P