It was Jeff's birthday on Saturday, so you know what that means.... Dance. Party.
First, it was a quick trip over to the Rhino to say hello to the cutest DJ couple in the world, then over to Broken to see
Marco and dance like it was my last night on earth.

Happy Birthday, Jeff!

Guess who was there? Bree and Jess.

You know when you go somewhere, and you're having a great time, so you think to yourself "I don't think anyone here is having a better time than I am", and then you look up and see this guy?

Once again, Lucky Lager sponsored our evening, along with side-perks from
p.s. Remember how I said that
Jager is the devil, and I'm never going to drink it again? Well, I think I'm okay with it now.

This was near the end of the night, after some gross dude in a for-real leather
toque (probably from Boutique of Leathers) tried to get me to go outside with him to make out in the alley, and then when I was like "
ummm... no", he got really mad. It was mega-awkward, but it made me appreciate the good parts of the night even more (for example... Dylan showing up? Didn't see that one coming).

This was after we almost got murdered. There's a big difference between smiling because you feel like it, and smiling because you're happy to still be alive. The photo's a little blurry, but hey.... So was most of the night.
~sarah p.
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