Thursday, December 14, 2006

A little T-preciation...

Those who know me know that I like to throw my palms up from time to time for those that make me smile a lil' bit.
There has never been anyone in this world who has unintentionally made me laugh more than Mr T.
It doesn't matter if he's buying milk at the Sever, or at the doctor getting his prostate checked, it's gonna be good.
I'm waiting patiently for his reality show to cross the border into the frozen tundra, but until then, here are some of my favorite T links:

Mr T Virtual Playset (holy fun)

Bring Back The A-Team (aka - The best documentary of all time)

Mr T vs Everything (This one's been around forever... Dude's done his research, I mean, T-search)

T gets Serious for a Damn Minute

T Tells His Secrets

Did you know you can carry Mr. T around in your pocket? You sure can.

Basically what I'm saying is, keep on doing your thing, T... I appreciate it a ton.

~sarah p.

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