Wednesday, November 29, 2006

25 Things (#s 19-15).

So far, I have slowly but surely been working my way down the list. I did not go out this weekend (that's one down), and I have had many offers of help from some pretty amazing people.

Here are my five goals for this week:

19. Take in one roll of film for developing.
Have I ever showed any of you guys the amount of undeveloped film I have? I probably have 30 rolls of film that I have shot and never gotten processed. Some are from when I was in school, some of them are from my time in the States, and some are from like a month ago. At random, I will choose one single roll and get it developed.

18. Get all of my shopping done by December 15th.
Call me a terrible person, but do you guys have any idea how much I hate Christmas shopping? Don't get me wrong, I love the mall, but at this time of year, it's full of a bunch of pushy people that smell bad. Full-on celebrating Christmas is pretty new to me, but for the past few years, I've been putting off most of my shopping until December 23rd. I'm going to do my best this year to have everything settled by the 15th of December.

17. No smoking (not smoking-smoking, you guys know what I'm talking about) during the week.
It's bad for me, plain and simple. Part of being an adult is dealing with reality, and I haven't been doing the best job at that... Weekends are still okay.

Call my dad.
My dad is a top-notch guy, but he also lives in Ireland. I write him quite a bit, but haven't been making the best effort at actually picking up the phone. So, one day soon, I will get up very early, or stay up very late, and give him a call.

15. Stop eating out so much on weekdays.
I am now allowed to have my normal Taco Tuesdays, and lunch with Dr. J on Thursdays, and that's it. I'm still allowed to go out on weekends, though, because I don't know what I'd do without my Chinese BBQ (or sushi).

Once again, thanks so much for all of the offers of help.... More to come.

~sarah p.

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