Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Prison Wine.

Booze is too damn expensive these days. Unless I want to run the border down to Montana every single time I want a six-pack, I'm going to have to continue to pay high prices to make me forget my troubles... Or do I?

I've got a solution, guys, and it's a good one. I'm taking a page from my brothers behind steel, and making some booze on my own.

Here's a few pointers to get me started:

Steve made a white and a red. This is maybe too advanced for me.

Here's a prison wine flow-chart. This is more my speed.

I'm not joking, I am actually do this. I'm starting up this week in my garage, as soon as I get some buckets. Will update you guys on the progress.

In the meanwhile, I have a 24-pack of Busch in my house that I need to start drinking. I asked my mom to pick me up PBRs while she was in the states, but she brought me back Busch instead (I hear Busch tastes especially good if you wear a dirty Nascar cap and take off your shirt... Worth a try). Beggars can't be choosers, I guess.

~sarah p.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you should hook up a sweet gin making machine just like Hawkeye on M*A*S*H :P

Anonymous said...

I think I may have a Nascar cap at home, it might not be dirty but I could fix that! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I do like the Gin idea too. Props!!!

~sarah p. said...

Nicole, that idea is nothing short of genius.
Crystal, I expect to see that cap out on Friday. You know if I get enough Busch in me, my shirt will come off, too. Could make for some good photos.