Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Hot blooded, check it and see... I got a fever of a hundred and three...

Okay, so my fever's not that high, but I'm stuck with a cold, and it's not much fun. I should have been drinking screwdrivers this weekend to get some extra vitamin C in my system...I don't think Crown Royal is chock full of vitamins, is it? Maybe just in my dreams.

Sometimes I will know something for a really long time, and then forget it after a while. I think sometimes when I learn something new, some of the old information gets pushed out of my head, so I have to re-learn it. Here is a list of things that I have re-learned over the past few days:

-Napoleon Dynamite is still funny, even after you've already watched it a chillion times. It is, however, unwise to stay up all night and watch it with your best friend when you have to be at work in the morning.

-Blood oranges are blindingly delicious.

-The Back Alley (see previous post) will make your hair smell horrible for days, even if you wash it a lot.

-It is a good idea to let Allison talk you into buying a copy of Weekly World News at the 7-11... It may cost a couple of bucks, but the entertainment value of it is priceless.

-Buying gum coated in sprinkles is never, ever smart, no matter how pretty it looks.

-If you go out and dance to every song for four hours, you will be stiff the next day.

-Breakfast nachos make me very happy (in a way that english muffins and handfuls of dry cereal just can't accomplish)...Thanks!

P.S. Get the hell over to Burger King right now.

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