Saturday, February 12, 2005

Melanie's birthday!

So, we ended up at the Roadhouse, which is not my usual type of bar...Seriously, though, I had fun.

Highlights included:

-Running into Katie, my good pal that I hadn't seen in 5 years. She's an actress now!

-Having some hipster guy tell me I was "too cool for this place". I told him that I wasn't too cool for anything, then I went and danced my hardest to some Sir Mix-A-Lot.

-Wearing a straight-up drenched shirt for half the night....It seemed like a good idea at the time. Let this be a disclaimer: do not try to wash your shirt in a sink at a bar...Ever.

-Running into Bill (Bushwick), one of my old friends (and honestly, not really the type to be hanging out the Roadhouse). He used to DJ, and now he's in the middle of cutting an album. For those familiar with the Ghetto Boys, we used to call him Bushwick, 'cause his name is Bill and he's not a very big guy. It was soooo great to see him. He ran up to the DJ booth, and asked them to put on some dancehall for me. They put on some Sean Paul, and he went back up there and told them it wasn't good enough (because....seriously). Finally, they threw on a good track for me. Thanks, Bill. Soon after, they put on some Run DMC. Bill busted some breakdance moves, made some jokes about being the only non-white person in the place, told me to call him, and ran off into the night. I still can't figure out why he was there, but maybe he was thinking the same thing about me.

-Discussing channel 11 (the french channel) on the way home, and realizing that I wasn't crazy for remembering a show about a girl with a magic lunch-box...It really happened!

-Listening to a very drunk Melanie make up her own words to songs. She was singing Usher's "My Boo", and was actually able to insert "my big pink plastic baby" into the lyrics.

-"Bonjour, comment ca va....Ca va com ci com ca". This was a song that Melanie and Lisa sang almost the entire way home. Love you girls!

Tomorrow night, I'm going to a party at Soucy's house!!! Promise some great photos and Soucy/Karen news. I am so excited to see them!

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