Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Okay. and Saturday too.

Can't believe I'm saying this, but Amsterdam Rhino is picking up big time (plus, $6.50 doubles, you guys). The first time we went, there was like 6 people in the whole place. Disoriental and Reece spin, so you know the music is good. Being that I am broke and love hip hop, how can I lose? I can't.

~sarah p.

p.s. Kinda jazzed about the Birdapres show this Saturday at the Distillery. Should be good. Yes.

p.p.s. I hope someday, someone plays me Oh Sheila at the bar (or sings it to me, but only if they have a jheri-curl). I kind-of love that one, but I don't mean to.


pickle said...

Did you spell Jheri Curl right the first time cause i know I woudn't have.

~sarah p. said...

Nope. Missed the 'h', but I knew it looked wrong, so I googled it.

Guess I need to brush up on my popular 80's R&B hairstyles. Really, I only know about afros and hi-top fades. I know, guys... Totally ignorant. My bad.

Anonymous said...

It kinda looks like Amy may vomit on me in this one eh!