Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Who are you, Lady Cooper? (and why I already may be giving up my bourbon habit)

You wouldn't know it by the way I throw back cheap beer at the bar, but I know my booze (not a good day to be writing about liquor, you guys).
The other day, I stumbled on a fellow Calgarian's blog. Her name is Lady Cooper, she runs three different (and equally entertaining) blogs, one of which is a booze-review site (and seriously, that's all I know about her). Totally worth a look.

In other news, no more bourbon early in the evenings, because things get way out of control way too quickly. I was going to draw something and post it, but instead I went to the Drum and drank jugs of beer with the ladies. Work is mildly rough this morning.
For. Shame.

~sarah p.

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