Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Two days off.

So, I've been off for the past two days, and they've been pretty relaxing.

First of all, Allison picked me up from work on Saturday night, and we went to Chris and Shauna's house, where I proceeded to drink an entire glass of Bailey's....Straight up irish cream (all part of my 'Weight Gain 4000' plan). Then, Chris proceeded to skateboard on this impossible ramp in their basement, and he kept falling really hard. After that, he spend half an hour showing us his messed-up shoulder. Allison was pretty freaked out by all of the shoulder talk, so we all went upstairs. We downloaded some Vanilla Ice, in various forms, such as a Jim Carrey parody from 'In Living Color', and a mash-up of 'Ice Ice Baby' and 'The Real Slim Shady'. Here's the crazy part: when we leave the house and get back into the car, we turn on the radio, and it's playing Queen's 'Under Pressure', which was the sample used in 'Ice Ice Baby'. It was a crazy coincidence, and I was a bit sauced, so it seemed even crazier than it actually was.

Last night, Allison brought over 'Best of Will Ferrell, Volume II' to continue from the previous Sunday. We went to 7-11, and I got the best nachos that ever existed (once again, trying to pack on the pounds).

Seriously, I just want to get back to my normal weight....The weight that makes me recognizable to everyone. Most times, when people lose weight, they look better than before. I just look....Different.
You'd think it wouldn't be that hard to gain weight, but apparently it is, because it's definitely not working for me. It's crazy. I think I need to invent a meal between breakfast and brunch. I also need to stop drinking water and start drinking beer and whipping cream. Here's my problem: I want to go back to my normal Sarah size, but I don't want to give myself heart failure in the process. I'm trying to keep to high-fat healthy foods, such as almonds and avocados, but maybe I need to suck it up and eat more cake. Here's the other problem: my job is a constant work-out, so I'm burning calories like crazy all day. I like the fact that I'm getting stronger (you know, so if I ever had to fight Skeletor in a dark alley, I could put up a decent fight), but I don't want to lose anymore weight!
...I don't know, maybe I do look better thinner, but it sure doesn't feel that way.

To be fair, it's only 15 pounds, so it's not like it's the biggest change in the world. It's just weird...The last time I was this thin, I was in high school. I think my body pretty much looks the same, but my waist, thighs, and bum are a bit thinner. It's my face that bothers me. It's not as round anymore. You think there's a way to gain weight in my head only? That is just what I need, some sort of weight-gain in just my face.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow...this weight thing has got you all riled up! I don't really know ways to gain in a healthy manner. If you want to pack on muscle pounds eat protien...also eat carbs before bed....that's when they turn into weight gain...not that that's really a healthy option. But it's true!

Thanks for the package....I give you ton's of props....!! Love it! :) Thanks!
